Page 7 - Neglected Arabia (1916-1920)
P. 7


                                         Negnisctcd Arabia

                                                Missionary News and Letters
                                                     Published Quarterly by

                                                 THE ARABIAN MISSION




                                         MRS. CANTINE                                DR. CANTINE

                                  Dr. and Mrs. James Catuiue have been home on furlough since
                               last May. The former has been twenty-five years, the latter fourteen
                               years, in the service of the Arabian Mission. The presence in this
                               country of Dr. Cantine and several other missionaries from Arabia,
                               the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Mission, and the
                               pressing financial needs of the Mission made a special campaign in
                               its behalf both timely and imperative. Dr. Zwemer, who, with Dr.
                               Cantine, founded the Mission, was called home from Cairo to assist*
                                   Besides his service in the Arabian campaign, Dr. Cantine has been
                               speaking quite widely through ottr churches and representing the
                               denomination at the Laymen’s Missionary Movement Conventions.
                                By action of the Board of Foreign Missions taken in anticipation of
                                Dr. Chamberlain’s extended absence from the country while visitim*
                               our mission stations. Dr. Cantine was appointed Acting Foreign Secre­
                               tary °f the Board, which position he has held since" last September.

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