Page 105 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 105

86              SHERM TO SINAI.              [cm.

                          groves in the garden, and in the vale of Re-
                            Like other Greeks, lent is enjoined them
                          thrice during the year, besides a great many

                          fasts or saints’ days; all of which they are said
                          to observe most scrupulously. Though animal
                          food is strictly prohibited, the monks partake
                          freely of a pleasant spirit. To this the tars I
                          had with me were of course much attached ;
                          and when the hospitality of the monks sup­
                          plied them freely with it, they would kindly,
                          and with much earnestness, reason with them
                          on their abstinence from the “ flesh pots.”
                          I am not aware that they were ever success­

                          ful, but one told me with great glee, that after
                          repeated invitations, he had prevailed with
                          several to indulge their olfactories with the
                          savoury steam of some meat then roasting.
                            At the period of my visit, the Superior was
                          a young man of handsome appearance and
                         prepossessing manners: he had recently re­
                         turned from Cairo, whither he was summoned
                         by the Patriarch to answer some complaints
                         made against him by the Bedowins. Most of

                         the young men appeared melancholy, pale,
                         and sickly ,* while some of the aged monks,
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