Page 117 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 117
tered, leaving fissures rather than valleys,
between their remaining portions. These
form the highest part of the range of moun
tains that spread out over the peninsula, and
are very generally, in the winter months, co
vered with snow, the melting of which occa
sions the torrents which everywhere devastate
the plains below. The peculiarities of its co
nical formation render this district yet more
distinct from the adjoining heights which
appear in successive ridges beyond it, while
the valleys which intersect them are so nar
row that few can be perceived. No villages
and castles, as in Europe, here animate the
picture; no forests, lakes, or falls of water,
break the silence and monotony of the scene.
All has the appearance of a vast and deso
late wilderness, either grey, darkly-brown, or
wholly black. The feelings of the pilgrim who
stands on the summit of Mount Sinai must
be cold indeed, if they remain uninfluenced
by the objects before and around him. I
know, but heed not, that scepticism has done
its best to weaken or destroy the impressions
such a locality should naturally inspire. Even
if I do not stand on that identical spot of our