Page 125 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 125

106             SHERM TO SINAI.             [CH.

                         valley, abounding in olive and other fruit-
                          trees, and abundantly watered. The convent
                          is a rude edifice, entirely empty and unte­
                          nanted. Passing from thence along a glen
                          which yet more nearly contracts its limits, as
  i                       it skirts the roots of Sinai, until in many

                          places it is nearly blocked up by the masses
                          detached from it, we, in about half an hour,
  -                       arrived at the rock of Mareb, from whence
                          water issued when smote by Moses. The

                          fissures corresponding to the number of the
                          tribes are. as Burckhardt suggests, the work
                          of art. Moreover, the Israelites could never
                          have murmured for water in this valley, since
                         it abounds in every part. From hence, on
                          our route to the convent, we were shown a
                         rude seat, formed by a natural recess in the
 m                       rock, where Moses is said to have seated him­
                          self; and also a circular projection which the
                         Bedowins call his kettle. This they have
                         attempted to break, under an impression that
                         it contains treasures.

                            After spending several very pleasant days
                         at the convent, and partaking freely of the
                         hospitality of its inmates, we returned to the
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