Page 205 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 205
various hordes who occupy this tract is Bili,
and their number is said to exceed seven
thousand. The sheikh, though aged, ap
peared still active and vigorous. He was
much pleased with all he saw on board, yet,
contrary to the general habits of other chiefs
who visited us, asked for nothing, and ap
peared as much surprised as delighted when
a few trifling presents were made him. He
receives from Mohammed ’All an annual sti
pend in cash and grain, for which he guaran
tees a safe passage for the supplies to and
from the fort, and probably the safety of the
fort itself.
On one of the officers expressing a wish to
visit his encampment, he appeared much de
lighted, and promised his utmost to entertain
all who felt disposed to go. Had I not been
then exceedingly busy, I would have accepted
his invitation. Whilst onboard, he informed
us of a ruined town in the interior, about four
hours from the fort, and also of some inscrip
tions cut on the face of hills which occur on
the road to it. In consequence, I proceeded
thither with a party on the following morning,
for the purpose of examining them.