Page 237 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 237

218            COAST OF ARABIA.              [CH.

                  But Hassan Aga was fond of brandy, and in
                  his several visits to us, after sending all his
                  followers on shore, he gave loose to his natural
                  disposition : off went his turban and robes, and
                  no one then could crack his joke or quaff the
                  forbidden liquor with better grace than
                  Hassan Aga.
                    Shortly after our first arrival, Captain
                  Moresby received a visit from a Bedowin

                  chief of the Sherif s tribe, named Serur. His
                  power is acknowledged from the confines of
                  the Harb tribe, a few miles to the southward
                  of Yembo’, as far as Has&ni northward. They
                  still acknowledge a superior in the Sherif of
                  Mecca, who still holds a moral influence over
                  all the Bedowin sheikhs in Hej&z, though de­
                  prived of the power and importance which
                  was formerly attached to his high station,
                  and now a mere tool of Mohammed ’All.
                    Serfir appeared to be about forty years of
                  age, of a tall, commanding figure, rather in­

                  clining to obesity (an unusual circumstance
                  in an Arab), with bold, frank, engaging man­
                  ners. We were anxious to obtain his permis­
                  sion to visit the mountains of Radwah, about
                  twenty-five miles distant from Yembo*. He
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