Page 257 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 257

233             COAST OF ARABIA.             [CH.

                                 The extraordinary depth to which the Arab
                               divers descend in this sea has, I believe,

                              escaped the observation of former travellers;
                              yet in no other portion of the globe is this
                              arduous occupation pursued with a similar
                              adventurous spirit. Many exaggerated tales
                              have been circulated respecting the pearl-
                              fishers of the Persian Gulf; but, speaking
                              from personal observation, I am enabled to
                              assert that their divers rarely descend beyond
                              eleven or twelve fathoms, and, even then, they

                              always exhibited signs of great exhaustion.
                              But, in the Red Sea, old Ser6r, our pilot, of
                              whom honourable mention has already been
                              made, dived repeatedly to twenty-five fathoms
                              without betraying the slightest symptoms of
                              inconvenience. Some few years since a ves­
                              sel sunk amidst the outer shoals off Jiddah,
                              in nineteen fathoms, and the old man visited
                              her for several successive days, remaining
                              each time long enough under water to saw off

                              the copper bolts which projected from her
                              timbers. He also spent much time “ within
                              the bowels of the vasty deep,” diving for the
                              black coral, or yooss6r, a species of neophite
                              found near Jiddah, Yembo’, and other places
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