Page 277 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 277
breezes from the northward, their lints are
generally erected behind some hillock, or
amidst trees, having also the convenience of
pasturage in their vicinity. Their weapons
consist of a spear about eight feet in length,
pointed at both ends; a jambir, or large
crooked dagger of a semicircular shape, with
a broad blade; a matchlock gun, having a
barrel of extraordinary length; and some
times a long sharp double-edged sword. Few,
excepting their Sheikhs, appear to possess
On the Arabian and Nubian coast we
found a race of fishermen, which bear the
general designation of Huteimi, and from the
similarity of their present habits, are, I have
little doubt, a remnant of the Ichthyophagi,
described so minutely by Diodorus Siculus.
They are found in various parts of the
Hej&z, and have some large encampments
near Leyt to the southward of Jiddah. Those
we met with were constantly traversing the
sea-shore in small parties to obtain a pre-
carious and scanty meal of fish, which the
more wretched pick up amidst the rocks or
on the beach, while those who are wealthier,