Page 348 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 348
xv.] COAST OF NUBIA. 327
a plan of which has been published with Lord
Valentia’s chart of the Red Sea. It has
been alleged that Captain Court’s survey has
proved that no such harbour as Dobelew,
described by Bruce, is discoverable in the
island : that his account of the number of
tanks, amounting to three hundred and
seventy, is erroneous, as, after a minute inves
tigation, twenty only could be found: that
what he has observed of the animals drinking
out of the cisterns and washing in them, is
completely falsified by Mr. Salt’s statement
that the cisterns were vaulted over.
These are nearly all, or at least the essen
tial points, which have been advanced to
prove that almost all he has published re
specting this island is mere fabrication.
On perusing Mr. Salt’s report of this sur
vey, it must at once strike the reader that
the examination made in the course of his
journey across the island in company with
Captain Court, is not entitled to be consi
dered complete, or even minute. On the
contrary, the survey appears to have been
executed in a hurried manner, and a com
parison of the plan of the island, as given by