Page 416 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 416

XIX.J          SOUTHERN ARABIA.              389

         summits or pinnacles, at an elevation of one
         thousand two hundred feet, are seen turrets
         and watch-towers. On one lofty point to
         the eastward, they have even contrived to get
         an enormous gun, traversing on a swivel,
         which, considering the nature of the country,
         must have been a work of great labour. The
          town itself appears to have been walled only
          on the sea and western sides: it is with diffi­
          culty the foundations of the former can be

          traced, and the face of the latter is covered
          with a slope of sand reaching to its summit.
          The visiter suits his own convenience either
          in walking over this or entering through either
          of the miserable gates. One of these is dig­
          nified by the appellation of Bab el Ashur,
          and, for form’s sake, is generally kept closed.
          A battery formerly extended along the whole
          length of the sea-face; and here, mounted on
          rude and frail carriages, are still seen those
          enormous guns which have attracted the at­
          tention of travellers. They are pierced for a
          sixty or sixty-eight pound ball, and their
          dimensions are as follow:—length 17 feet
          2 inches ; circumference at the breech, 6 feet
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