Page 448 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 448
Hasan Gordb — Ruins—Ascent of the Hill—Inscriptions—An
cient Fortress—Beni Gordb—Makullah—General Appearance
—Interior of the Houses—Population—Armourers—Smith's
Forge— Market — Barber-Surgeons — Oil-Mills— Sumalis at
Makullah—Sheikh Mohammed—Indigo—Tobacco, <£*c.
On the morning of the 6th of May, 1834, we
anchored in a short and narrow channel,
joined on the one hand by a low rocky islet,
and on the other by a lofty black-looking
cliff, to which our pilots applied the desig
nation of Hasan Gordb. Some ruins hav
ing been perceived on the summit of the
latter, shortly after our arrival I proceeded
to the shore, for the purpose of examining
them. To avoid the swell, which rolled
along the opposite side of the island, and
produced a considerable surf against the
seaward front of the cliff, as it rose up per-