Page 460 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 460

XXII.]         SOUTHERN ARABIA.               431

         dress consists of a short shirt, reaching no
         lower than the waist; their loins and thighs
         are covered with a blue wrapper of striped
         cotton, bound round by a broad leathern
         girdle, containing their pistols, besides a
         supply of powder in a huge flask, thickly
         studded with brass. In this belt they also
         carry their jambir or dagger, which has a
         silver sheath of a crooked form, the point

         being turned up, and elevated as high as the
            A great number of Shmalis resort to Ma-
         kullah, but do not permanently reside there.
         They are a fine race, easily recognised from
         all other classes by their martial bearing and
         appearance, for in general they are remark­
         ably tall, a short person being rarely seen.
         Their limbs are clean and well made, their
          nose slightly aquiline; but otherwise their

         features are very regular, and expressive of
          that boldness and freedom which really be­

         longs to the Stimuli character. Their skins
          are dark and glossy, and they have a custom
          of changing the colour of their hair from its
          natural blackness to an auburn tinge, by al­
          lowing it to remain for some hours plastered
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