Page 470 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 470
Terlse. Rather larger than Ainan. The
Dawlah’s house, remarkable for its size and
strength, is situated on a hill impregnable to
the attacks of Bedowins.
Sciytin. The largest of all these towns;
it has walls, but no guns. Approached by
a narrow defile.
Madudi. Similar in size and appearance
to Tense.
Bor and Tierbi. Two towns situated close
to each other.
El Gorfah. Situated near the foot of a hill,
having a castle on its summit.
Towari. A large town.
Airitha. Also similar in size to Terise.
Thaibi. Straggling hamlets, date-groves, &c. !
Terim. The largest town in Yemen, is
walled, has several gates, and contains some
famous tombs.
Ainad. The birth-place of Sheikh Ey-
druse of Aden; in size nearly equal to h-
Beled Nebi Hud. The birth-place of the f-
celebrated prophet Nebi Hud.
I conclude this part of Arabia to be far
better peopled than has hitherto been sup-