Page 477 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 477

446            SOUTHERN ARABIA.               [CH.

                                account of Oman. Female dancers, whose
                                performance is similar to that of the licen­

                                 tious almas of Egypt, are also on these occa­
                                 sions freely admitted within their houses. In­
                                 deed, from what I have witnessed, and learn
                                 from the Arabs themselves, it is evident that
                                 female chastity has attained no very high
                                 standard in this part of Arabia.

                                   The Arabs here are passionately fond of
                                 tobacco; and the first offering a host makes
                                 to his guest is a rude water-pipe, formed of a
                                 cocoa nut and short tube, which is passed
                                 round from one to the other, and smoked in­
                                 cessantly during the visit. Opium also, and
                                 the hemp seed are not unfrequently smoked
                                 until they produce intoxication. Through­
                                 out this part of the coast, the population is of
                                varied origin ; the higher and more aristo­
                                cratic classes being descended from natives
                                of Jaffa and Hydr&maut, and are remarkable

                                for being much fairer than their neighbours.
                                The remainder are descended from foreigners,
                                who have settled here at different periods;
                                all, however, preserve the recollection of their
                                original descent. An Arab may forget, or be
                                disinclined to tell his age, but he is never

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