Page 493 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 493
T-herc arc here also inscribed tablets
on which the
names of kings are engraven. Thence to
Kabr-et-tawashi (the eunuch's grave). Thence to
Uyun kasab (reed-springs). It is a watery, rushy,
and excessively hot valley (wddi). In summer time
many persons die there suddenly. The grave of the
children of Abraham near the sea there, is a place of
pilgrimage (ziyarch). Thence to
Shcrm (a creek), near the sea; on the left of it there
is a mountain called Isharch (the mark). Thence to
Mowflahh, on the sea shore : there is water, but it is
rancid. Thence to
Dar Kait-Bai (Kait Bd’i's house), so named from that
Sultan having stopped there when performing the pil
grimage ; before that they used to stop at Batn Kibrit
(sulphur-belly), a narrow stony place. Thence to
Kabr Sheikh cl Kefdfi. Sheikh el Kefafi having
been killed by a spear was buried there, and his grave
is a place of pilgrimage. Thence to
Azlam (a very smooth arrow). The second quarter
[of the whole distance] a salt, marshy place, without
any herbage, and having water which is salt. In the
midst of these mountains there is a desert plain
(salira). Mecca senna is found here. Thence to
Simak (Shumach), also called Rakhanm; it is a
valley (wddi) in which there arc many thorns. After
passing it is
Istabil’Antar (Antar's stable), an open plain among
the mountains, where Arak [Avicennia tomentosa] is
found, and on the borders of it there is sweet water.
Thence to