Page 96 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 96

           V.]             SHERM TO SINAI.                77

                              CHAPTER V.
           Hints to Travellers-Water and Water-skins—Inscriptions—
             Arab Places of Sepulture—Jebel Subeiyah—Arrival at the Mo­
             nastery—Difficulty of Admission—Reception—The Convent
             Cook—Monastic Fare—The Travellers' Room—Comfortable
             Quarters — Monastic Album—The Missionary Wolff—Disci­
             pline and Habits of the Monks—Dress—Diet—Fasts—Scruples
             respecting Animal Food— Use of Spirits—Anecdote of British
             Sailors—The Superior—Position of the Monastery—General
             Appearance—Interior of the Churchy Chapels, §c.—Splendid
             Screen—Skeleton Hand—William dc Bauldersell—Sarcopha­
             gus of Catherine of Russia—The “ Burning Bush”—Ascent of
             the Mount—Description of the summit—Reflections.

            January 11 th. On preparing to leave this

            morning, the Bedowins found our water-skins
            frozen; yet, so pure is the air in these ele­
            vated regions, that most of our party slept in
            the open air without experiencing any ill
            effects. Some few hints suggest themselves
            here to me which may prove of service to
            those who may hereafter traverse these or the
            neighbouring regions. Let them on no ac­
            count encumber themselves with a tent, for
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