Page 77 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 77

Regional relations, 1927                379


          lnotruoted him to ahow Shaikh JQiolluf opooiul honour and fricnd-
          -ohip until he left.     To thla ho ugrood. •
                    It la now determined that nftor Ramazan (Shaikh Khaliof
          will leave of his own aaoord and in all honour, and will stop
          away ooae timo.
                    I truat that thio will remove all ouuoo of friction.
          Shaikh Khollaf io bound to intrigue but Major Barrett dooo not
          now anticipate that hio following is bo grout uo to oauafc
                    The Quai is a man of oharaotor but io now getting old.
          Of hio venality there io, I fear, little doubt, and it is not
          the flrot time ho hao had to leave for aimilar reaoono.     Hi 8
          ouooeooor is reported to be a religious man who lukoo little
          monoy.       I am, I four, oooptioal regarding tho honooty of

          Shia mull&ho aa I have yet to meet mi honoat one, but he appears
          to be good of hiu kind though uomovrhut fanatioul, and to roapeot
          the proporty of widows and orphans,     He iu at any rate the
          ohoiuo of hio eeot.
                    A oomplioation hau been that the Agency Interpreter was
          tho oon-in-law of tho qazi, an undoolrablo otatc of affaire.
          From the timo that Shaikh Hamad wub known to bo in opposition to
          hio fnthor-in*law, opon oompluintB of bribe-taking havo boon
          brought againot out Intorprotor.        Regarding thoao I will
          not at prooont exproao an opinion, but numeroua persona havo oome
          forward to prove oumo given by thorn and their friendo or taken
          by tho Intorprotor ao commiBoion, sumo amounting probably to some
          lakho of rupoefi over the past few yoaro.    Hio pay is Ss. 1B0/-
          per mensem.
                    1 had already appointed a now man temporarily and the
          matter io undor inveotigation.
                    Things in gonorul arc however conoidorably hotter.
          Major ISarrott oooo no immediate roauon to anticipate any further
          serious troublo, and from my enquiries I ondorou his opinion.
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