Page 224 - DILMUN NO 20
P. 224

aar an its Extrna Rations:

nighbouring rgions an pops, strtching fro Cntra Asia to
Msopotaia, an ncopassing outhast Arabia, Eastrn Arabia an
highan an owan ran.

Furthror, th natur an organization of Lat orath Harappan socity is

sti poory fin, rstricting our abiity to charactriz its rationship with

Eary Diun. o   conts  rgaring th natur of Bahrain-s

rationship with th Lat Harappan sphr ay nonthss b a.

Lotha was a cntr for anufacturing finish goos, with vinc of ivory

working, an xtnsiv ba workshop, an coppr working faciitis (66).

hr is aso vincc that it was a traing port: various structurs hav bn

intrprt as a warhous, a rchant's hous an a ock (67). It is

possib that this town ha a irct traing rationship with Bahrain: a

Diun sa was foun at th sit, unfonunaty unstratifi (68). o

contators, howvr, hav qustion Lotha's status as a traing port,

prfrring to intrprt its faous ock as a watr storag faciity, an

suggsting a or agricutura status for th sttnt  (69). Furthror, it

appars that by Lotha Prio B (quas Lotha Phas ٧), th town was uch

ruc in siz an status, an th so-ca ock, warhous an ba

workshop ha bn abanon (70), ti in xistnc, howvr, wr coppr

sithis, baths an rains. Athough it has bn suggst that th conoy

of Gujarat saw a shif‫ ا‬towars noaic pastoralis at this stag, with an

xposion in th nubr of sa phral  sits, argr sits with prannt

architctur such as Prabhas Patan an Roji continu to xist (71), as w

as Lotha.

Lotha is on caniat for bing th rgion's ajor p-sa port uring th

ary 2n inniu,  though cais hav aso bn for Kuntasi, a sa

fortifi viag in th North of th aurashtran pninsua (72). Nurous

othr Lat Harappan sits hav bn intifi aong th North Coast of th

aurashtran Pninsua (73), an othr potntia ports inclu Dwarka,

Kanjtar an Buh (74), about which vry itt is known. A Diun-rat

sa was foun at Dwarka (75), an this sit ay rit furthr invstigation.

Rangpur is sai to b th argst of th orath Harappan sttnts       uring

both th Matur an Lat Harappan phass, at 50-100 ha. (76); it is ocat
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