Page 362 - Neglected Arabia 1902-1905
P. 362
touch with the thought and practice of the clay, and in such other mis
sionary work at liome as was possible.
Dr. Arthur K. Bennett has been appointed to the Arabian Mission.
Ho is a graduate of the Medical School of the University of Michigan,
and will spend the coming year in further study in Europe. His
home is in Watkins, N. Y.
Miss Jessie X. Vail has also been commissioned by the Arabian
Mission,and expects to go to her field with Dr. and Mrs. Thoms. She
is a graduate of Michigan University, and has been principal of the
1 High School of Saline, Mich.
The Church- bids all these friends a hearty Godspeed and follows
them with affection and prayer.
“Eternal Father! Strong to save,
Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
Who bid’st the mighty ocean deep
Its own appointed limits keep :
O, hear us when we cry to Thee.
For those in peril on the sea!”
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