Page 18 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 18



          Cool windy day.  I am still wearing the clothes I wear in England.  At the office all the morning going into the accounts
          which are not quite as complicated as they appear to be.  An Arabic lesson after lunch, & then several callers, two
          couples of missionaries, the bank manager, & Geake of the Levy Corps.  One of the missionary women, an elderly
          plain female, was really quite pleasant - the other was a disagreable inquisitive female with a husband who appears
          to be a little mad.  All left cards very solemnly.  Took a walk with M in the evening.  It looks very pretty at sunset time
          with all the sailing boats against the sky - later, when I get some time, I shall start painting.  Heard some amusing
          accounts of Roseta Forbes doings in the Gulf.  She descended on the Prideauxs at Bushire - not knowing them at all, &
          stayed for a two months, all the time trying to get onto the coast near here, & also to Bahrain, with an eye to oil
          concessions, but the Govt prevented her much to her annoyance.  She used to try & send code cables to the oil
          people, pretending they were to her husband.  Her conduct was very startling.  She tried to get round old Prideaux &
          to persuade him to let her go.  One day when all the others were out she invaded his room, when he was taking a
          siesta, dressed in a Kimono & pyjamas, which decidedly shocked him & annoyed Mrs P very much.  On the day that
          she was departing, just before she left, she said to Mrs P. "now I've got to go upstairs & write my bread & butter
          letter" she did so & left it in the hall when she went!  The Prideauxs got very tired of her by the time she had spent
          two months there - uninvited too!

          Sunday 18th [April]
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