Page 118 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
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Legation in Tehran in connection with the Anglo-Russian negociationB; and
Monsieur Miller remained in charge.
Monsieur Boris Miller, Secretary of the Russian Consulate-General, proceeded
to Shiraz in March to represent Russian interests at that place.
Dr. Listemann, Acting Consul for Germany, left for Tehran in February to
replace a member of his Legation proceeding on leave. No arrangements for the
representation of Germany in the meanwhile were notified to his colleagues.
Monsieur Chaloin, French Vice-Consul, still remained absent from his post,
Mirza Ali Reza Khan continuing in charge of French interests.
There was a normal rainfall of approximately nine inches. The results of the
daily observations are recorded in tabular
statements Nos. 1 and 2 attached.
Shiraz (Fare.)
(Furnished by Mr. George Grahame, His Britannic Majesty’s Consul, Shiraz.)
The after-effects of the agitation which broke out in Shiraz in the autumn of
1905 in consequence of the opposition and rapacity of Prince Shuaa’-ul-Sultaneh.
Governor-General of Fare, and his followers, continued to be felt during the year
1906-1907 both in Shiraz and the province of Fare. Merging into the general
wave of the Persian Constitutional movement — of which indeed it would appear
to have been a premonitory signal—this agitation created a kind of ground-
swell which reacted unfavourably on the general conditions of the province.
Rumours which obtained as far back as May 1906 of the serious illness and at
times of the death of the Shah ; the acceptance by Mozufler-ud-din Shah in October
1906 of a constitutional form of government; the popular movements in Tehran,
Tabriz, and other towns of Persia, in connection with the acceptance and realisation
by Mozuffer-ud-din Shah and subsequently by bis successor, of that form of govern
ment ; the election of provincial deputies.—all these were elements which combined
to increase the feeling oi unrest prevalent in Fare in the spring of 1906 and to make
the year one of storm and stress.
It is worthy of note that the demise (long discounted in advance) of Mozuffer-
ud-din Shah on Sth January 1907 passed unmourned and all but unmarked in
The year under review was notable for no less than four administrative periods,
February—June 1906 .. Vazier-i-Makhsous.
July—November 1906 .. Ala-ul-Dowleh.
November 1906—Februaiy 1907 Interregnum. Sons of
Kowam-ul-Mulk in
Moayy id-ul-Do wleh appointed Governor-General of Fare Februaiy 190
arrived Shiraz 15th April.
Kowam-ul-Mulk, Vazier of Fare, appointed Februaiy 1907, arrived Shiraz 1st
March 1907.
Nebil-ul-Sultaneh, who took up the appointment of Karguzar of Fare in Jap-
uarv 1907. continued to hold that post throughout the year under review ^
ignorance, incapacity and, on one occasion, marked discourtesy have give
to frequent complaints on the part of His Majesty’s Consulate.
During the year 1906-1907 political considerations, chiefly of a purely local
nature, swamped all others and called for constant vigilance. ior>6
The Vazier-i-Makhsous who had reached Shiraz about
continued to hold office as High Commissioner and Goveruor^Genera^f^
until mid-JuDe. The nondescript nature of his powers, jointly with a
XCs ome
of experience in administrative matters, stultifica his good intentions.