Page 130 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
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and the fact that Major Morton has been permitted to pursue his investication*
on the Hawiza side of the Karun would seem to point to a considerable confidence
in the stability of present conditions.
11. In the middle of November two political prisoners, Shaikhs of thcChaab
tribe, made their escape from Failiyah. The more important of these was Shaikh
Sultan of the Mujaddam section.
The occurrence was considered of some seriousness, and the Shaitkh himself
seemed apprehensive that the fugitives would take refuge with the Bakhtiari
Within a few days however they were recaptured in the Amara Marshes and
handed back to the Shaikh.
12* In the latter part of February the long talked of marriage between Shaitkh
Khazal’s son, Shaikh Chasib, Nusret ul Mulk, and Haji Rais’s daughter was con
summated with great celebrations at Failiyah. The person chiefly to be congra
tulated may be assumed to be Haji Rais.
Northern Arabjstan.
13. The Governorship of this province has remained in the capable hands
of the Sardar Mukarram, assisted by the Muizum Mamalik, commonly known
as the “ Wazir.”
The usual arrangement has been for the Sardar to superintend personally
the affairs of Shush ter, while entrusting Dizfu) to the Muizz. But the last three or
four months of the year under review the Sardar spent chiefly in the neighbour
hood of Shush, and in southern Arabistan with the Shaitkh of Muhammcrah, and
local charge has been held by various of his subordinates, e.g., the Mir Punj, com
manding the “ troops ** at Shushter, and the Telegraph Sarhang at Dizful.
During the earlier part of the period, Dizful wTas committed to the hands of
Shahab i Lashkar, a petty Bakhtiari chief from the neighbourhood of Silakhor,
who was on bad terms with the ruling chiefs of the Bakhtiaris.
14. The Sardar Mukarram’s administration of Northern Arabistan has been,
as things go in Persia, peculiaily successful. He is a clever, unscrupulous man,
who suffers acutely from the especially Persian vice of money-hunger. This vice
impels him to every form of oppression and extortion.
15. The comparatively high standard of security of life and property which
has resulted was broken for a short time in December by robberies which occurred
on the Shushter—Dizful Road. These were committed by Bakhtiaris and were
probably instigated by the Khans, who are not on good terms with the Sardar
There were also local disturbances at Gotwand in the Aqili district at various
times during the year, consequent on the treatment accorded to one of the princi
pal men of the place, named Haji Abul Fateh by the Bakhtiari Khans. There was
some disagreement between the Khans and the Sardar over this case, and Abul
Fath took refuge in DizfuL In the early months of 1907 however he returned
to Gotwand.
16. The most interesting features in the Sardar Mukarram’s administration
have been connected with the Dizful district. Mention may he made of his suc
cess in subjugating the semi-independent chiefs of the A1 Kathir Arabs.
Haider, the paramount, chief was dispossessed and replaced by two men,
MI zb an and Khuraibat, the latter his cousin, but this arrangement proving
unsatisfactory he has again been admitted to a share of authority. His son
Abbas and a son of Khuraibat—a mere boy—are kept in attendance on t e
Sardar by way of 4< pledges.**
The weakening of his enemies must be a subject of much satisfaction to Shaikh
Farhan of the Bait S’ad, who has always rendered a qualified obedience to t e
Governor of Shushter, and is subservient to the Shaikh of Muhammerab.
17. More interesting is the pact entered into with KhanjaD, Sagwand.
the aid of the recommendation of Shaikh Khazal he was introduced to e g
traces of the Sardar Mukarram in April, since when he has been continuous y i^en
Idised as a District Police Agent. This position, it is understood, has lately be