Page 142 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 142
A—Table of the sections of the Kuhgalu Tribe.
Fighting Revenue ReMAAKS.
Name. strength. in Tumivnn
(•‘byre”) 3,000 4,000
Bair AbmftdL Chief:—Karim Khan.
Territory:—Sfidfit to Deh Daaht; to
foot of Kah-i-Dun&r.
TViiahwiRnyitfi 1,000 1,200 Ch.—Fathullah Khan.
T.—Kuh-i-Duniir to Rdfi-i-Kharstm.
Usually enemies with last oection.
Taibi B&li, i 1,000 900 Ch.—Aghfi Khan.
Situated between Bahmi,i and Bari
Taibi Paylni 2,000 2,800 Ch.—Mashifi Khun and his eun Agh
Khfin (not the one noted above).
Chingilwfi and Qalah-i-Palim (!) above
Ramuz-Behhahan road.
If all collected would muster some 3,000
fighting men.
The Taibi are hostile to Karan Khan,
i.e., to the Bair Ahmadi above.
B&hmi, i. 3,000 4,000 Hussain Kh&n ( Sons of Masain
with de Ali Naqi Khan ((—Muhd. Hussain (?)
pendants. Khan.
Qala-i-Ala to Toshun (Gannsir).
Formerly there was a separate section under one ’Ali Mahad Khfin,
now defunct.
The following sections are located chiefly to the oast of the Meridian of Behbahfin.
Charts 500 near Deb Daaht.
j 900 [
Fiahiytn 300 Beyond Deh Daaht towards Sam an.
Bair Ahmadi Pfiyina 1,500 1,500 Cb.--Abbia Quli Khfin.
HabitatArt, DiL Morini.
Baawi 3,500 4,000 Qala-i-Bfisht, half-way between Behbahfin
and Shirfiz.
Ch.—Asad Khfin.
Said to be of same origin ae Arab Bfiwi,
but are in all ways Persians.
1,000 1,000 Near Behbahfin, scattered.
Near Bcbbahln. Rest scattered in
BagdaS 100 100
villages of Ramux.
15^00 20,400
Bozsfi,—Number of rifles equal to fighting strengths given above.