Page 149 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 149

POLITICAL RESIDENCY FOR 1906.1907.             41
                Miscellaneous.—The rains were good and the crops are doing well. The line
             of telegraphs connecting India and Persia was completed in March 1907 and the
             first overland through message sent from Tehran to Karachi via Quetta. The
             line will, however, not be open for general traffic till next year.
                No improvement was made in communications during the year. The road to
             Bander Abbas was fairly safe, but the roads northward and westward were fre­
             quently infested by robbers.
                Trade was as flourishing as it can be expected to be under the existing difficul­
             ties of transport and has been more fully dealt with in the Consular Report.

                                                     C. DUCAT, Major,
                                             Bis Britannic Majesty's Consul, Kerman.


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