Page 185 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 185


                                          OF THE


                    Review by the Political Resident in the Persian Gulf.

                 There were no changes of personnel during the year among the officers in
             charge of Agencies, but Major Grey, Political Agent at Maskat, and Mr. George
             Grahame, His Britannic Majesty’s Consul at Shiraz, proceeded to Europe a few
             days after the close of the administrative year and were unable to compile their
             yearly narratives before leaving.
                 The record has thus been furnished by the following officers: —

                 Bushire and Fars           The Officiating Resident, and Mr. J. H.
                                              Bill, Acting Consul at Shiraz.
                 Arabistan                  Captain D. L. R. Lorimer.
                 Kermanshah .         • •I  Captain L. B. Haworth.
                 Kerman                     Major C. T. Ducat.
                 Bunder Abbas.              Lieutenant C. H. Gabriel.
                 Persian Mekran             Compiled from reports of Mr. R. H. New,
                                              Assistant Superintendent of Telegraphs,
                                              Jask Sub-Division, to the Director, Per­
                                              sian Gulf Telegraphs (ex-officio Political
                                              Officer, Mekran Coast).

                 Maskat Territory      • • t  Captain Norman Scott, I.M.S., Agency
                                              Surgeon (in temporary charge).
                 Trucial Oman ...      ... The Officiating Resident.
                 Bahrein     • M       • ••  Major F. B. Prideaux.
                 Koweit      • ••           Major S. G. Knox.
                 In the arena of higher politics the year 1907-08 has seen the development
             or conclusion of several important measures directly affecting our interests both
             in the Persian and Arab spheres of the Bushire Residency.
                 The chief of these has been the conclusion on 31st August 1907 of the
                                            Anglo-Russian Convention, adumbrated in
              Anglo*Russian Contention.
                                            last year’s report, in which are enunciated
             the terms of an understanding arrived at between the two powers in regard to
             various points connected with their respective interests in Persia, Afghanistan
             and Tibet.
                 That portion of the Convention relating to Persia opens with the declara­
             tion that the two contracting powers have mutually engaged to respect the integ­
             rity and independence of Persia; after which preamble Great Britain
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