Page 209 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 209


           Jung, already mentioned, was M. Dcscos, laic Trench Minister in Tehran,
           who passed through on a visit to Pcrsopolis in May.
               The only foreign powers permanently represented at Shiraz are Franco pre^nuiuvea.
           and Turkey, the former by Hiiji Mirza Hussein, and the latter by Hnji Ibrahim
           Khan, both Persian subjects. M. Andre Miller, Acting Russian Consul-
           General at Bushiro, spent the greater part of the year at Shiraz, arriving in
           July and returning to Bushiro in March.
               An account of the evonts of the year would be incomplete without some
           mention of the great flood which devastated the western front of the city on
           January 17th. Between midnight of the 15th and 10 p.m. on the 17th about
              inches of rain fell. The river left its bed, breached the wall of tho Bagh-
           i-Sheikh, the premises of the Indo-European Telegraph Department, swept
           through that garden and through His Majesty’s Residency destroying both
           garden walls, and thence falling into the town moat, ruined a large number of
           small houses which had gradually been erected in its bed. Altogether GOO
            houses are reported to have been destioved. A subscription was raised lor the
            sufferers, His Majesty’s Chargd d’AUaires contributing, and was administered
            by His Majesty’s Consul and the Manager of the Imperial Bank.
               Mr. G. Graliame held the post throughout the year though his promotion HIb Briunnio
            to the Consulate-General at lslahsn was notilied in February.     conauif 8
                                                               J. H. BILL,
                                                          Acting Consul, Shiraz.

                                                      P. Z. COX, Major,
                                            Political Resident in the Persian Qulf.
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