Page 226 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 226

                           45. Matters were allowed to slide on in this manner until in Juno 1907
                      the question was brought to the front again by the British Foreign Oflioo who
                      forwarded a statement of claims submitted by Messrs. Lynch Brothers. '
                           ^his statement included a calculation of claims on account of expenses
                      incurred in painting and repairing the bridges in 1902, 1903, and 1904 of
                      which only a small portion has been recovered. Messrs. Lynch Brothers
                      renewed the claim for the extra £3,000, and 12 per cent interest  on arrears.
                          Tho whole matter was   discussed by IIis Majesty’s Minister with ITis
                      Britannic Majesty’s Vice-Consul during the visit of the lattor to Tehran in July
                      1907, and it was decided to press the claims after they havo been brought into
                      conformity with the rulings of His Majesty’s Secretaries for Foreign °AfTairs.
                      The claims so rovised up to 3rd March 1907 amounted to Krans 29,470 09
                      on account of construction and Krans 18,47G*3G on account of bridge rej airs,
                      and these were presented to the Khans at Shalamzar by the Vice-Consul in the
                      end of September.
                          The Khans eventually accepted the former claim and promised to pay it
                      without delay. The latter claim they entiiclv repudiated, no doubt partly
                      owing to the unfortunate fact that the 1904 bill had never previously been
                      presented to them. It amounted to nearly Krans 15,000 or about four times
                      more than cither of the previous bills, and apparently on these grounds His
                      Britannic Majesty’s Consul-General at Ispahan, Mr. Preece, had without
                      enquiry declined to present it and the matter had been allowed to rest at this.
                      On examination now, however, there seemed to he no ground for believing that
                      full value had not been given for the sum olaimed, and hence it was presented.
                          The Khans put forward various arguments which were not considered
                      valid and finally declared their repudiation of it with some asperity.
                          Minor claims wore presented at the same time on a claim tor a oase of
                      opium robbed on the road in autumn 1906 and another for robbery on the
                      road perpetrated in August of the current year.
                          The former of these they promised to satisfy* but the latter they repudiated
                      on the grounds that the robbery had been done by Kuhgalu whom they
                      were not allowed to pursue.
                          55.  So much for tho Khans’ statements, now for tbeir performance.
                          Tho construction account claims have remained unpaid with the exception
                      of Krans 12,46514 out of the February oil instalment, which they requested
                      6liould be paid over to Messrs. Lynch Brothers.
                          The bridge repair claims have remained unsatisBed, but a subsequent
                      claim under this head for repairs effected in September 1907 amounting to
                      Krans 4,477 was paid in full in March.
                          First instalments of the claim for the case of opium as paid in March
                      up to the end of which Krans 1,420 had been paid out of a total of
                      Krans 2,601*50.
                          In regard to the other robbery case, the Khans without reference to the
                      Vice-Consul satisfied (?) the Muleteers concerned with compensation very muon
                      less than that claimed by them, but the cost of tho goods claimed by Lynch
                      on their own account has not been paid up. The Khans have professed
                      ignorance of the robbery of the claim, and resorted to all the usual arts ot
                          56.  The instalment of the Road Construction Account and tho interest on
                      the capital fall due on 3rd March of each year.
                          Notice of the new instalment falling due was sent to the Khanslin
                      February 1908, and an exact statement of their entire indebtedness in re
                      fo the oonotruotion and bridge repair accounts on 3rd March 1908.was sent to

                      the type of the present Khans.
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