Page 339 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 339
The town of Kermanshah is divided into three Mahallas, the first being
Barzadiinak to the South and East, the Kadkhoda being Sheri f-cl-mulk, the
second, Fyzabad, Kadkhoda, Naki Khan, the oldest part of the town and
lying to the north, the third, Maidan Mulla Abbas Ali, Kadkhoda Akbar
Khan, to the west.
There are distinct signs of progress to be seen, most of the bigger men
are building, the Wazir of the province, Mohtasham-ed-dowleh, has improved
his house very largely and now many of the rooms would not disgrace
Europe; Moin-ur-raya, the chief stormy petrel of the district, has built a
very fine “ rozakhaneh ” of which, if the exterior were worthy of the interior,
the result would be worthy of note as an addition to the town. In short,
there are signs that general progress is afoot.
The province of Kermanshah is divided into the following “ Bulooks ”
and “ Kasabchs,” each under its own deputy governor.
Preicut Governor.
Kasr-i-Bhirio Vacant.
Zohab . . , Haneur-ul-mulk of Guran.
Kerind Ihfcasham-ul-raamalek of Kerind.
Guran Mausur-ul-mulk.
Kalkor Daud Khan, Sardar-i-Muzaffer of Kalhor.
Mahidasht Appointed from city—Ilaji Agha Khan.
Huleilan & Zardalal Wali of Puslit-i-kuh.
Harasan & Dizgaran Sheik Iladi, Mujtahid.
Miandarbcnd & Zardarbond Appointed from city.
Duru Furumau , Do.
Cliarr.chamal Fakhim-C8-8ultanob,
Dinawer . . , Appointed from city.
Kuliai & Sanghur 3Mansur*ud-dowlcb,
Kliudabandclu Appointed from city.
Harsina Do.
Scbueh Appointed by owner from Tohran, owner Wazir-
Those, governors shown as “ appointed from city ” are usually called
u Naibs,” tlie remaining places are referred to as “ Hakim Nasliin,” and the
Governor is always referred to as the “ Hakim.”
Kangawar is frequently under Kermanshah, but the Governor is nearly
always Sar-i-Aslan, whose family have held that appointment for five
generations. It is at present an independent governorship.
Asadabad is sometimes, in fact, usually, under Kermanshah and some
times under Ilamadan. It is now under Hamadan, but the post of governor
is at present vacant.
In order to understand the references to them, which are frequently
made in the political notes, it may be well to preface a short statement show Tribe4.
ing the principal tribes and their chiefs together with a general idea of their
strength, such numbers as are given will only show comparative strength;
since it is not possible to see even a moiety of the nomads the only authority
available is Persian, as a consequence numbers given can hardly be con-
sidered even approximate.