Page 386 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 386


               KBr1"* . Mediial work *» Oman. There is elenr evidence that the work of the
               Ulth and Agency burgeons is being appreciated, more especially in Maskat and
              quarantine. Matrah, but also in Oman generally. Many patients come from the interior
                       (Rostak, Nizwa, Semayil, Naklil, etc.) and also from the Batinch   and Sur
                           The total attendance of new patients reached G,221 this year, an inercaso
                       of 1,027 over last year and of 2,G15 over the previous year. The attendance
                       of the last two years is the largest since the dispensary was founded. The
                       number of indoor patients treated has also risen to 150 from 83, also a record
                       number. Two hundred minor operations were performed and nine selected
                       major operations, the construction of the present operating room and the
                       old fashioned equipment rendering it inadvisable to undertake others.
                           A scheme is at present on foot to build a modern well equipped hospital
                       with accommodation suited to the requirements of the different sections of the
                       community here. Ilis Highness Saiyid Sir Fnisal-bin Turki, G.C.I.E., has
                       been graciously pleased to interest himself warmly in this project.
                           Public health and quarantine.—The public health of Oman has been
                       good this year. No epidemics occurred.
                           The Agency Surgeon, as in former years, has been in charge of the
                       quarantine arrangements of this port acting on behalf of the Local Govern­
                       ment. The Quarantine Regulations have been more stringently enforced at
                       the request of the Political Resident in the Persian Gulf, Bushirc.
                           The khalasis, boatmen, and subordinate olliecrs now wear a distinctive
                       uniform provided by His Highness the Sultan. His Highness has also ap­
                       pointed a new quarantine subordinate and four permanent quarantine boat­
                       men. The rowing boat is also now kept ready at all times for quarantine
                       service. These small changes have facilitated and improved the work of
                       the quarantine greatly.
              Toon.       The Political Agent, accompanied by the Sultan’s Minister, Bedr-bin
                      Seif, paid a visit to Sur on June 24th, in H. M. S. Sphinx for the purpose of
                      settling a dispute regarding the stabbing of a. Hindu trader. As the result
                      of local enquiry it was found that the Bania was largely to blame for what
                      had happened. The assailant was, however, fined R50 and confined to prison
                      for a month.
                          On October 1st, the Political Agent went on tour along the Batinch
                      Coast in H. M. S. Sphinx and returned on October 5th (see under Amis
                      Traffic, Somaliland).
                          On October 7th, the Political Agent again left for Debai on tour and
                      returned on October 13th.
                          On October 28th, the Political Agent again left for Debai returning on
                      November 3rd.
                          On November 18th, the Political Agent left for Sur in II. M. S. Sphinx
                      and from there crossed to Jask for an interview witli the Resident. From
                      Jask he returned to Maskat on November 22nd in II. M. S. Perseus.
             Jloja! K»tj.  II. M- S. Hyacinth with Commodore Sir George Warrender, C.B., C.V.O.,
                      A.-D.-C., on board arrived from Jask.
                          The Perseus, the Proserpine, the Sphinx, the Lapwing and the Redbreast
                     visited Maskat on various occasions on duty.
             Foreijrn     On April 8th, the American Consul, Mr. Wm. Coffin, left Maskat.   Mr.
                     Muhammad Fazil, a Khoja British subject, has since been in charge ox ti
                     Consulate as Vice and Deputy-Consul.
                         The Dragoman of the French Consulate, Abdul Aziz-bin-Muhamma
                     Ar Ruwabi, went to Sur on April 8th for the usual examination of the pap^
                     of the vessels flying the French flag, on their return from Africa. r
                     turned on May 11th. On May 4th, Monsieur Laroncc, the French Consi ,
                     relieved by Monsieur Blanchon.                                  .   .
                          On June 3rd, Monsieur Blanchon, the French Consul, died suddenly
                     midnight from heatstroke. The Agency Surgeon who was summon
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