Page 444 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 444
Including the Disteicts of Biyaban, Jask, Gaih, Dashtyahi and Baht.
[Itor approximate boundaries of these Divisions see Administration Report of 1905-06.J
Mir B&rkat has been the recognised chief of the district up to the end
of February, but I understand the
BijAban District.
Governor of Bushire has had consider
able difficulty in recovering anything towards the annual tax money for which
Barkat i3 responsible. Mir Barkat was* much annoyed at the refusal of the
inhabitants of Minab to meet his demand for 4,000 krans for protecting
them against the raids made by the Chief of Rudbar last year. Through
out the summer Barkat’s followers made petty raids in the Minab district
and altogether looted 37 camels, and other property belonging to the inhabi
tants of Minab. On the Stb March IS 10, His Excellency the Darya Begi
arrived at Jask. Major Austin proved to His Excellency that Mir Barkat
had been taking a very active part in the arms traffic, and induced him to
deport Mir Barkat. The Darya Begi and Mir Barkat are close friends,
and it. is therefore extremely doubtful whether Mir Barkat would ever have
gtyne further than Bandar Abbas, had not the Resident gone there in the
‘ Lawrence ” and personally taken the matter in hand. The deportation of
Mir Barkat has had very great effect, and it is now thought that the Afghans
will experience some difficulty in getting help of any description from
Slaves.—Two cas:s of traffic in slaves, from the Biyaban to the Arabian
Coast, were reported during the year. On the 14th April 1909, one Bash-
kardi girl was sent by boat (Nakhoda Muhammad Ali) from Bunji by Mir
Barkat as a present to Ali Khan, an arras dealer in Maskat. On the 7th July
1G09, two Baluch slaves (one male and one female) were shipped to Maskat
from Gunari by a Baiucb subject of Biyaban, named Hasham. The proceeds
of the sale were to be invested in the purchase of rifles.
Mir Mustapha Khan and Mir Barkat were more friendly during the
early part of the year, but in August,
Jask District
of his sons t'u , w while the former was in Bashakird, two
looted some camp'k M a°- ^ ^urad.(aged 22 and 20 years respectively),
and Murad madp rati°D°ID°i *° a .suhject of Mir Barkat. Cheragh Khan
nearly* causing a d?^rmined stand against Barkat, the incident
looted proDertv Dnrin Yere eventually persuaded to return the
1 200 Baluphi<?rm ♦ QJon^s May, June, July and August about
of the scarcitv the district to the Arab Coast on account
remainJ A ^ M?n? *jave since returned but quite half have
have been ereatlv ichiefs and inhabitants of the district
sion6(rf the^u-ms^traffir^SSe<ribj the.f,Ction taken this season in the suppres-
Government. C* ^ are W1 submit to any proposals of the
Slaves.—Only one case of traffic in slaves in the Jask district wasjreP?,Q_
during the year. On the 27th October, Murad, son of Mir Mustapha ivn »
shipped two female slaves to Burkeh on the Oman Coast.
Sardar Seyyed Khan of Gaih has not travelled south during the year.
Gaih District. The relationship between Seyyed Khan
during the latter part of the vpnr Isl?m Khan has ^ strained
with the men posted at Tank °n ar?.se t,hrou8h Seyyed Khan interfering