Page 74 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 74
ns men were
b.lhTsr“K'?s:r™;rrs,,o"u”"ot a° m distriot*.
abovementioned. common ancestor of tho two Mirs
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R„n^-r^,?Uft0.m8rTP8CntatJiTeSuar01,06tcdat SirriP- Br!z. Sarltand and
Jiunji. points of observation, under the supervision of the Mudir of Minab.
The Jask district is controlled by the brother of Mir Barkat above-
General. mentioned, Mir Mustapba Khan bin
. Abdul Kabi, who is regarded as the
paramount Chief, and bis distant cousin Mir Boti bin Mir Ali, the latter
being specially responsible between Jask and the Jagin river, and the former
from Jagin to the Sadecli river, which forms the eastern boundary of the
Mir Mustapba Khan and bis younger brother Mir Barkat are also in
charge of the ccimtry, west of Jask to Kuh-i-Mubarek.
The general condition of the district has been peaceful, no disturbances
having occurred during the year, and no damage done to the line.
The Chief of this large district, Sardar Said Khan, has not travelled south
during the year, but sent his nephew
Sardar Islam Khan to collect taxes from
the minor chiefs and headmen, who one and all complain of oppression and of
the exorbitant taxes demanded. The population continues to decrease on
account of this overbearing oppression, and the tax money demanded from
each remaining individual naturally increases. Sardar Said Khan on his
part must meet the annual payment to the Persian Government at Bampur
which can only be done by looting and overtaxation, and at the cost of driving
out the inhabitants, and the gradual ruin of the country. The rapid decrease
of the population is particularly marked by the great number of bunded
fields not in cultivation.
The condition of the country has been peaceful and no damage has been
done to the line during the year.
The district of Gaih is split up into many minor districts, the Chiefs and
headmen of which are subsidized, but as this data is contained in many previous
reports, only those sub-distriots which call for special remarks are touched
The headmen of this sub-district Mir Sydullah is an imbecile. Early in
the year he went to Maskat where he was
Bir «t>Wjstrict. arrested by His Highness the Sultan for
the supposed murder of a slave and was handed over to the Persian authori
ties at Busbire for punishment. He was released some months after and has
since returned to his district.
The management was for a time controlled by his uncle Sahib Khan,
hnt this Gentleman declines further assistance unless he is given the Govern
ment subsidy or part of it Mir Sydullab has a son, Sheroo, who is only a boy
Mir Svdullah’s subsidy of Bs. £00 for the year ending the 31st December
1905 has been paid with his authority to Sahib Khan, who is now carrying on
the work of the district