Page 273 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 273


                         Part IV.—TRADE REPORT OF MA8KAT.

                 The statistics of Maskat trade for tlio official year 1894-95 are given in the
             nccompanying returns. They have, as in previous years, been furnished by
              the customs farmer and their accuracy cannot be relied on.
                 The total trado of the year is estimated to value $37,08,180 as against
             $37,75,326 for 1893-94, or a doorcase of $67,140. This decrease is, however,
             entirely due to the reduced exportation and importation of specie, and it will
             be seen that after eliminating the figures for specie, the exports and imports
             exceed in value those of the preceding year by $62,854.
                 The exports of the year, exclusive of specie, are valued at $11,28,580
             showing an increase of $9,2G0. Dates, limes, fruit, and small fish for manure
              are  the chief articles in which trade has been brisk and of which there has
             been a heavier exportation than in 1893-94.
                 The value of imports cxclusivo of specie is returned at $18,51,600, the
             increase in 1 his case amounting to $54,594. To this increase, the Persian Gulf
             and India are tho chief contributors, the former with an augmented importa­
             tion of wheat, salt, and ghee; while from the latter, rice, twist, and cummin seed
             have been brought into the country in largely increased quantities. There
             has, however, been a decrease in the value of the pearls arriving from the
             Persian Gulf, and a marked diminution of the import trade from Southern
             Arabia and Africa is noticeable ; pearls,mother*o’-pearl, and fire-arms being the
             articles in which business has been slack. The imports from the United States
             and Singapore have been heavier than in 1S93-94.
                The customs were farmed by Seth RattaDsee Parshotam for $1,15,000.
                                                    J. F. WHYTE,
                                         H, B. 2I*s Bolitical Agent and Consul,

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