Page 375 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 375

and mask at political agency for the year 1895-96. 79

                              Appendix A to Part V—contd.
               Return of principal articles from Karun ports to Ifohammernh during the
                                      year8 1895-94.

                                               1895.               J8M.
                                          Quantity.  Value.   Quantity.  ▼aloa.

                                                     £ «.                £ #.
             Colion                       145 bales  653 10   175 bales  717 10

                                         1,434 cwta.  2G0 10  1,912 cwts.
             Flow                                                        326 .0
             Ghee                         2 CO „     288 0    3GI  99    478 16
             Gam                         1,280 „     343 0     85         28 10

             Pircegoode                   118 bales  321 10   309 bales  1,081 10
             Oilseeds                    1,174 cwts.  285 0  2,881 cwts.  7G8 8

             meat                       34,022   „  3,133 0  37.814   „  3,453 0
             Wool                        2,212 „    2,392 0  3,787 „    4,040 0

             Leaves for dje               649 bags   826 0

                                                     312 0               906 18
                                                     66 10             11,500 0


             To Great Britain—

                 Carpets ...
                                          187 bales  2,782 0   92 bales  460 0
                 Kernels 1M
                                                               32 cases   64 0
             To Turlej—

                 Wool               • ••  2,201 cwts.  2,348 0  991 cwts.  1,196 0

                                    •••    IM        169 0               226 0

                                                   14,410 0            26.246 12
   370   371   372   373   374   375   376   377   378   379   380