Page 401 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 401
Sea.—Fourteen Bteamors Cram and seven to Europe called. The British
India and Bombay and Persian Companies' vessels called regularly from and
to Bombay.
Freights.—Freight to London, 17«. Gcf. to 27». 6c2. per ton*
Freight to Bombay 15f. to I7f. per ton.
Fiver.—'The Euphrates ami Tigris (British) and 8hahenshahi (Native)
Companies* Bteamers ran fortnightly to Bundar Naan, whence a steamer in
connection with each company runs to Shushter.
Freight to Nasri, 1 kran par cwt. 1J, or about 6e. 2d. per ton.
Freight to Shushter, 82 krans=12a. 8id. per ton.
Caravan route.—Messrs. Lynch Brothers have now made arrangements for
the insurance of cargo in transit between Europe and Ispahan vid Bundar Nasri
and the Baktiari hills : this covers all risks including robbery. If this road be
improved, there should be a grest future before it.
Caravan rate.—Hates, caravan, Bundar Nasri or Shushter to Ispahan, 15s.
to 20s. per load of 3501b.
Wheat.—The wheat cr<?p was unusually good, and, owing to increased
competition and scarcity in Ilesapotamia, reached a higher price than heretofore,
rising from 3e. 6d. to 6s. fes cwt.
The prospects for next h&rrest are bad owing to very little rain having
Oilseeds.—The oilseeds crop was below the average in quantity, owing to
fear of disturbances at the tka® of sowing consequent on the Shah’s death.
Fates.—The date crop wss below the average owing to floods in the spring,
damaging the crop. Prices were unusually high, 5s. 10d. to 7«. lOd. per 1601b.
The rice crop of Hawa&i&fe, Bizful, and Bam Hormuz was large and of
good quality.
Population.—The population of Mohammerah has increased considerably.
Health.—There were no epidemics. Cattle disease which was prevalent in •:
1895 gradually died out in Fdbeoary.
Bundar Nabbl
At Bundar Na&ri >tfae population has increased considerably, building is still
going on. A large new tarn*has been completed, a wool press erected in June,
and another larger one was imported in December.
Opposite at Bminieh :itaes were erected with a view to caravan trade with
pizful, an important centre,but owing to tribal conflicts the road was unsafe.
At Ithlah below Wari a bazar has been built, and the town re-named
H. B. M.'s Vice-Consul, Mohammerah.