Page 409 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 409

No. 99 of 1897.

                   MAJOR M. J. MEADE,
                               Officiating Political Resident, Persian Oulf, ond
                     Her Britannic Majesty's Consul-General for Pars and Khuzistan,

                   Thb SECRETARY to tub GOVERNMENT of INDIA,
                                                         Foreign Department,

                                                  Busihre, the 10th October 1897m

                With reference to Colonel Wilson's letter No. 60, dated 6th June 1897* I
            have the honour to forward herewith the following accompaniments to the
            Annual Administration Report of this Residency for the year 1896-97
                  Part I.—Appendix A—Mktlobological Tables.
                  Pabt III.—Trade Report of the Persian Golf for 1896.
                      Appendix A.—Tabular Statistics,
                2. The delay in the submission of these returns is due to the extra labour
            entailed in the compilation of the statistics of trade in accordance with the
            new forms forwarded with your letter No. 97A-E. A., dated 23rd May 1896.

                                              I have the honour to be,


                                             Your most obedient Servant,

                                              M. J. MEADE, Major,
                                       Officiating Political Resident, Persian Gulf
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