Page 443 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 443

residency and maskat political agency for the year 18P0 97.   85

                           nr in deal articles exported from Bunder Abbot during the yeari
             Uble showing  the prtn y ^ ifl^_conlinued#
                                      1804.           1891.           1800,
               eon               QWntltj.  Value.  Quantity.  VslOS.  Quantity.  Vila*.
                                           R               R                R
             PwrOH*»T .                   41.080   ••t    42.080          28,860
               India •             •••                                      900
               Turkey .                                                    1,000
               Arab Coast                                                  1,200
               Maskat .                                                     800
                                GyOlO cwto. 2,10.090  8,090 owU.  2,16,610.
             Pbotibioh* •
              Ole#—                                               860 ewta.
               India                                              100
               Maskat .                                            60 >•
               Arab Coast
              0/1 er »oril—                                       800       2,100
               Maskat .                                     •••   225   n „  i m
               Arab Coast
             But .   •          26,000 tons  60,000   80,000 ton*  60,000  17,000 to no  34.000
               India .                                                      12.000
               Maskat .                                          6,000 „
               Zanzibar                            •M            2,000 „    4,000
             8nns .   •          7,045 owts.  1,76,460   9,554 cwta.  1,44^90
              Poppy tetde—
               India •                                           4,800 cwta.  24,000
              Suame—                                              800 cwta.  1,500
               India •
              Other torh—                                        3,782|cwt».  89,280
               India               •M
             Silk (haw) .         61bnndlc3  61,000  38 bundles  38,000  2ibandles  2,600
               India .
               Arub Coast                                   •n      ibuudle  1,000
               Maskat .                                             1  ft
             Stic NEC* GOODS      64 bundles 61,00  119 bundles  95,200    50.000
               India .                         i                   50bundles  4,200
               Turkey ,                                             6 w     6,300
               Arab Coast                                           9  »»
               Maskat .                        1                   20 „     14.000
             Tobacco ,           3,500 cwts.  17,500   2,200 cwta.  22,000
               India .                                            300 cwta.   3.000
               Turkey .                                           700  „
                                          8,35,200        10,74,300
             Wood .             31,012 cuts.    28,036 cwts.
               India                                             15,550 cwta.  3,79,350
               Arab Coast                                             ii
             Woollxk Goods        COlbundlcs  3.73,600  619 bundles 3,62,820
              Carpeti, etc.—                                       32 bandies  32.000
               India ' ,                                           22      41,600
                Epvpt .            »...                            70   If  70.000
               Turkey .                            ...              6  ,,   5,000
               Arab Coa  St                                         7  n   7,100
               Maskat ...                      !                      •i
             Aanctns koi sncmED uqti      23,600           27,620
               India                           i
               United Kingdom .                i
               Torlrey .
             Brxcn                      , 8,30,630        3,60.900
               India                                                      3,16,250
               Pmian porta
               Maskat .                                                    7.800
               Turkey .                                                    12.000
             Total o? all Asticus        48,7»,470       58,48,560       30,62,502
               Total value of Smparia tm
                frtneipol CoaaZrtw.                                        40,800
               United Kingdom .           1,25,000  •v   41,85470         20,86,923
               kfl •  •  •               33.69.180        8,73,600       '  41.500
               %£,:  :    :        :s     7,00.000        2.90,330        1^264
                                          1,12,510        1,29.700  •M     84,000
                           •              1,06,420        146,420         1,03,100
               Arab Coast ,               1,13,620        1,12,620
                Zanzibar                    8.000           3,000           4,300
                                                         68,48,560        80,62,502
                        Total •          48,71,470
   438   439   440   441   442   443   444   445   446   447   448