Page 460 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 460

50      administration iu.rort on tuk Persian gulp political

                     Table Mowing tie principal arUdet exported from the porte on the Arab Com it of the
                              Tertian Gulf, dnrinf He jeart 1894, 1895, 1696—continued.
                                                            im.              IBM.
                     Principal  artlc1es?aad principal
                      counlili m to which exported.
                                                 Yaloa.  Quantity,  Vahe.  Qn entity.  Veloe.
                                                  M                K               M
                   OOB ,                 400 rwU.  10.000  480 cwt*.  18,000
                     JTrroeiM oU-w
                      Muktt .
                                                                         200 caaea  1,000
                     Oiler eorie—
                      Uubt .
                    Fbabl*                     M.00,000        80,00,000
                      Pmltn porta .  s                                          1.00,00,000
                    Pbotisiobb ....     5,000 cwt*.  25,000  6,000 owta.  £5,000
                      PeraUn port*  •   •   .                             60 cwt*.  Aooo
                     Other eorie—
                      Peraian porta  .   .   '  .
                      Torkej .   .   .   .                                        12,000
                      BabniD .   .   .   .                                         2,000
                    SHELLS (MOTHI* O'rBARl/) .   7,000 rwta. \   70,000  6,600 c«ta.  66,000
                      PonUa porta .                                     3,335 cwta.
                                               I                                  60.(00
                    Tobacco              600k«ad)o'   12,000  750 handle*  15,000
                       Pcraiaa porta .         !
                      Bahrain .                                         437 bandies  13.000
                                                                        233 ••
                    ■\V00LIK5 goods—(cloaks)   2,505 piece*  40,000  2,300 piece*
                       Mask at .   .                             40,000
                       Zanzibar   •   .                                 153 piores   2,000
                                                                        115 „
                       Persian porta .           V*       •u           1.538 „     1.500
                      Torkej .                                          153 n     20.600
                       Bahrain .   .   .       <                                   2.000
                                               i                        412 „      6,0t0
                    Abticlbs kot specified a bote  37.600        3t,500
                       Persian porta .                                             8.500
                       Bahrain .                                                   3.500
                       Uaskat .
                    Spbcii .                    4,50,000
                       Persian porta                            4,75,000
                      Turkey .                                                   1.30.000
                       Bahrain .                                                 1,10/00
                      Zanzibar.                                                   40000
                       Maskat .
                    Total or all abttclsb       67,26,600      87,76,500        1,08,41,500
                      Total value of exports to
                       ^principal countries.
                       Peraian porta .   ]  ..    6.000           6,000
                       Tnrkej ,   ,  :i         63,64.600      83.53.0C0        1,02,84.003
                       Masks  .                  93.000         1,08,000         1,14.000
                       Bahrain .   ,            2,17,000        2,48,000         339.600
                       Zanzibar   ,              40.000          59,500           89.600
                                     -it          8,000           2,000            4,500
                               Total            67,26,600       87.76,600       1,08,41,600
   455   456   457   458   459   460   461   462   463   464   465