Page 550 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 550


                         Table thotoing the total value of principal articlet imported into He Porte   on the jrai nG(taf
                                         during the yeare 1895, 1896 and 1897—continued.

                                                  100^             1080.
                         PHnfliP*l •HlnU« and |>rlnclp*1                             1007.
                          •ouultIm fro». btcli lui^orud.
                                             Quantity.  Vila*.  Quantity.  V.loe.  Quantity.
                                                        /?               It
                         CaNYAS (COUNTBT) .  460,owU.  30.000                     «•<     •••
                            Persian Porta .                   450 owta.   80.000
                            Bahrein .   .              • ••    76 „      6,000  600 owts.   40.000
                                                                                 76 „
                         CaTTLB             7,000 head  26,000
                            Peraian Porta                    6,000 h<wd  26,000  6,000 head
                         Corns              7,600 owta.  4,00.000                         36,000
                                                                                          • 00
                            Persian Porta                    8.760 owta.,   2,00.000
                            Iudia •                          2,260 „   1,76,000  6,626 cwta.  2.26,000
                                                                               6,000 „
                         Co IB AND CoiB-BOPB   7,600 owta.  60,000
                            India                            6,000 owta.   60,000
                            Peraiao Porta .                  2,600 „    20,000  6.000 owta.  42.000
                                                                               2.000  ,,
                         Cotton Pibcb-ooodb  1,800 bdla.  4,00,000
                           Orey and White Shirt■
                            India .   .                       400 bdle.   1,25.800
                            Peraian Porta .                                     800 bdle.   06.860
                                                              230 „     74.270  176 „     66,650
                           Print i—
                            India .                           160 bdla.  40.000
                            Peraian Porta                                       100 bdle.   26,670
                                                               60       20.000   40 „     16,000
                           Dyed Skirtingi
                                                             % 100 bdla.  83.000  76 bdla.
                            Peraian Porta                                                 24,760
                                                               60       17.000   40
                                                                                     99   14,100
                           Other Sortt—
                            India .
                            Peraian Porta                     488 bdla.   1,88,100  450 bdla.  1,00,460
                            Maekat .                          284   „   67,900  240  99   64,700
                            Bahrein •                          10        2,000    8  »    2.000
                                                               16  H     2,000   12 ..    2,000
                         CofTTON (BAW)       800 cwta.
                            India                      20.000  400 owta.
                            Peraian Porta                               10,000  200 owta.   7,000
                                                              300 „     10.000  200 „     7,600
                         Tabs and Twist
                                             825 owta.  16,000
                            India .
                            Peraian Porta              HI     200 cwta.  10,000  200 owta.   12,000
                                                              120 .,     6,000  100 „     6,000
                         Datbb             140,000 cwta.
                            Tnrlcej .                 6,70.000
                            Maakat .                         60,000 cwta.   2,60.000  62,600 cwta.   2.40.000
                            Peraian Porta .                  62,600 „   2,60.000  60,000 „   2.60.000
                            Bahrein .   .                    63,800 „  1,60.000  60,000 „   2,00,000
                                                             20.000 „   40,000  10,000 „  80.000
                         Dats Juics .       1,600 ovte-
                            Peraian Porta .            10,000
                            Maikat .                          680 owta.   4^00  600 owta.   3600
                            Bahrein ,   .                     436 „      3.000  400 pi    2600
                            Turkej .                          290 .,     2.000   200 „    1600
                                              •00             146; „     1,000   140 pp    900
                         Dsooa and Mxdxcznii  6,800 cwta.  86,000
                            Pereian Porta .                                                100
                                                                • •e
                            Peraian Porta .
                                                              100 bottle#.  100  260 bottle#  S60
                            Persian Porta •                                                wo
                           Other Sort*—
                            Peraian Porta .                                               186W
                            Indk. .   .                • ea   300 cwta.   8,850  400 owta.   700
                                                               40 ,,      660    30 „
   545   546   547   548   549   550   551   552   553   554   555