Page 556 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
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TABLE Na. 21.
Total number and tonnage (f vessels of each nation that cleared from the Porte on the Arab
Coast of the Persian Gulf.
Bumii. Brux. Tnu,
Number of Ton*. Number of Number of
YMo«U. Ton*. TMMla.
1806 95 2,450 11 9,576 46 12,036
British. 1800 20 1,400 17 14,450 37 16,860
i 1897 2 100 6 4,000 7 4,100
1895 10 200 10 200
Turkish 1896 10 200 ••• 10 200
1897 10 . 200 10 200
1895 400 • H 400 8.000
Persian 1896 400 400 8.000
1897 400 400 8,000
1895 • ••
French. 1896 6 200 6 200
•[ 1897
1895 200 4,000 200 4,000
Maskat 1896 200 4,000 200 4,000
•{ 1897 200 4,000 IH 200 4,000
1895 70 1,400 70 1,400
Arab • 1896 60 1,000 60 1,000
•{1897 60 600 50 600
11895 715 16,050 11 9.676 726 25,626
Total 1895 6S5 14,S00 17 14.450 703 29,250
1897 662 12,800 5 4,000 667 16,800
TABLE No. 22.
Abstract table of export to principal counl,ie*from all the Ports before specified for the gears
1895,1896, and 18V7.
IB M. 1894. 1897.
Prioclpsl srttdee and principal coun
tries to which exported.
Quantity. Value, Quantity. Vain*. Quantity. Veins.
ft ft ft
Animals 1,63,890
India 13,930
Persian Porta 60,830 12,740
Bahrein 11,920 1,600
Haskat 1,170 ••• 2,690
Arab Coast 1.400
Turkey 860 910
Znuzioar • •• 1,250 l,0u0
Abm* and Ammunition
United Kiugdoin 6,29,000 4,600
Turkey 610 1,66,670
Mask&t , 42.660 2,17,140
Persian Ports 1,97.169 ’ 1,70.470
Arab Coast 1,76,116
29.260 75,730
Cantab (Sail cloth) • ••
Indie . 1,37,120 7,300
Turkey 9.0C0 79,140
Persiau Porta 78,800 23,100
Maskat 22,600 6,600
Zanzibar ••• 8,000 2,0*0
Arab Coast . • •• 20,100 17,690