Page 625 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 625
Tails showing the total value of principal articles exportedfron the Tort of Sutler* during
the years 1898, 1897, and 1$98—continued.
180®. 1807. uoe.
Principal article aod prtnelral
co oniric es to which ti ported.
Quantity. ▼aloe. QaantHy. Value. Quantity, Tales.
Provisions— * R .< :
Oh re—
India • 869 cwta. 28,016 419 cwts. 124)50 139 carte. 6.540
Turkey • 3 „ 103 ... .
Zanzibar 30 owla. 1,000'
M-skat 76 cwts. 2,431 236 „ 6,680 68 cwts. 2,720
Persian Porta 364 11,424 148 * 4,180 163 ' 6,110
Sugar (Leaf and Sq/T) —
. ?
Torkoy ... 193 owtn. 2,720
Maskat • • 64 cwta. 1,050 10 cwta. iso
Babroia • 39 cwts. 029
Persian Porto . 266 „ 4,012 418 cwta. 0,867 1,210 owta. 16,000
Tu'key • • 33 cwta. 34170
Muknt • '* „ 140
Peroian Porte • 14 „ 1,420
Other sort* of Provisions—
United Kingdom . 2 pkgs. 120 11 pkgs. 276 1 pkg-. 60
India ... 54 „ 1,030 2i«3 „ 2,008 133 pkgs. 860
Turkey . . • 301 „ 3,434 104 „ 2,2 iO 125 „ 950
KuMia • • . 1 pkg. 15
Eygpt . 2 pkgs. 34 6 pkg*. 150
.Mask.-it ... G pkgs. 150 19 460
Bahrein . . 1 pk'j. 17 133 „ S00 150 „ 760
Persian Porte . 39 pkgs. 1,207 35 „ 400 136 „ 2,310
SxEDS — el—
United Kingdom 222 owts. 1.037 3,163 cwts. 4 674 304"cwts. 1,220
India . . 1,496 „ 6,987 2,212 „ 8,850 '3,114 „ 12,460
Other sort* of Seedi
United Kingdom 161 cwte. 749 901 cwts. 3,804 1,018 owts. 4.0S0
India . . 6,729 „ 29.189 957 „ 7.587 1,430 „ 8,440
Germany • 18 „ 102 1.^93 „ 6,707
Turkey . , 13 „ 68 155 „ 840 78 cwts. 500
Maskat . • 43 „ 661 89 .. 346 232 „ ' 3.660
Bahrein . 35 * 228 63 362 16-4 „ 1.C20
Persian Porta 118 * 1,054 1*7 „ 1,059 202 „ 1050
United Kingdom 23,118 owts. 2,12,585 .33,135 cwta. 3,09,260 50,169 cwta. 7,43,920
India . , 6^6
France . . 1,046’cwts. 10,455 « 74 " 22,638 2.890 cwta. 8540
Germany . 520 4,858 6 60 n 7,740
Silk (baw)-
IndU . . 272 bdls. 90,237 191 bdls. 68,000 144 bdls.
Turkey . , 29 „ 11,600 47.450
Egypt . 1 ML 400
United Kingdom . 146 cwts. 2,601 16 cwtx 199 7 cwts. 100
India . . 60 1,(71 306 1.709 220
France Jfr* , 43 »* 765 43 6C0 15. H
Germany , 10 >» . 170 »» 780
Austria . . 261 4,668 •M
America , 26 „ 459 9 owts. 110 10 cwta.
Turkey . 0.107 „ 1,09,021 4S 683 2 386 150
Egypt . 16.430 „ 2.93,250 10,584 n * 1,35.828 15,771 u 34.000
Malta . 1.612 28.136 48S 0,3(»2 „ 2,28,680
Cyprne . 386 204 . 2,548 280 „ 4,060
Greece . . 6,868 rt 66 »• 810
Bahrein . . 27*owts. 476 884 , 4,9^8 2,970 „ 43,. 60
Persian Ports
U3 * 2,040 2 cwta. 22 70 cwta. lfiSO
United Kingdom 0,423 cwte.
India . , 341 1,97,678 13,944 cwts. 3,48.600 10,524 cwts. 2,24,510
France , , 4,181 7» w 118,000 430 s* 10,240
99 ft 2,907 t.9 n 6,975