Page 632 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 632
Table showing tie total value of principal article* imputed into the Port of Bushire during
the yeurt 1896,18979 and 1899 — continued.
1107. IBM.
rrluclp*: tnielM a^d pr’nc'pal
coaulrw* from which ImpoiUd.
Qaanlll;. Yale*. Qcutll;. ▼aloe. Qo»ntty. Yelea.
It R R
Mat* awd Mat Baoa—
Indie • . 84 bdls. 1,110 CO bdls. 1.400
9 M
Turkey • • 2*2.000 piece* 7,000 { 18/ 00 p com> } 5,770
6.2 bdls.
UuUt . • 222 bdls. 6,3*. 0 J 01,00 i pieces ] 10,350
Bahrein . • , 1,900 pieces 1.25. 2,0-0 ,. 1/00
... { 160 Uik l:>2 bdl«.
Persian Port* • 4.600; ] 2,350
1/uO piece* 2,0C0 piece
$nUed" Kingdom • 4,601 cwt*. 2,04.515 9,266 e«te. 1,40 970 6.287 cwts. 2.74.900
Indie . 3,000 „ 1,35,000 1.6 9 .. 7-',8'X' 3.414 „ 1,77.630
Germany . • 75 „ 3,3*0
Market • • • 6 *wt«. 240
Persian Forts . • 35 cwts. 7/75 41 erts. 1,620 19 „ 230
U idled Kingdom • 98 cwts. 8,532 15 cats. Ml eats. 9.4-r,0
Indie . • 842 „ 71,728 £65 „ 27.380 416 „ 27/70
Turkey . 1 cwL bO
Persian Ports • •
0 civts. 600
Uniied Kingdom 1,063 cwls. 14 9C7 ! 41CS ewts. 31,630 4,682 cut*. 39,160
Indie . . . 3/65 . 19,725 j 7,010 „ 63,150 7,0.4 „
Ge-many . . 100 .. 600 I 02,030
Turkey . . • 42 * 210 2 cuts. 20 Nl
United Kingdom • 365 cats.
Indie ... 331 cwts. 13,240 11/00 570 cwtl 23,500
Frecce • • 678 „ 27.140 1.059 „ 64,950
C H 200
Other torlt of Jfclalt—
Unistd Kingdom • 353 cwta. 5,640 S70 enrts.
In ib 2^4 H 4 500 72 rwls. 1J91A
Franco • • 27,3.3 €13 „ 7,49u 128 „ 1.220
Germany • 61 * 2.0 U)
2 „ 400
Kero sine—■
Inni* . , 2313 c»U.
lintue . . \ 6,14=3 . 23.130 1-179 erts. 9.430 116 cels. 750
Peieien Ports . 35/SO i.€00 „ 12,1*0 9.121 „ 69,510
66 „ 430
Other torls t,f Oils—
United Kingdom
Indie . # 2 cwte. 80
Fience . . 62 cate. 1.426 107 „ 1,900 102 cwte.
tirrmeny . lcwL 40 4 a,
1%: : 6 2 „ 100
Ma*ket . 1 cwt. 40
Behron . # 400 cwte. 1,400 •••
Prnien Porte . i'owu. 60
12 cwte 200
United Kingdom .
India , S*T 200 48 ee«e* 4,800 17 cases 1,020
France . , ’ 34 „ 4/20 27 to ’ 20 2/340
Ansttie . 3,400 » „ 900 82 to
Cnine • . * 7,800
fi4 pkgs. 27/20 222 cssos 30 cases 10,980
Porcelain— 66.500 183 „
United Kingdom .
Indie . Pkgs. 47,700 987 eases 80/90
€88 « 36/50 350 „ 69.220 399 piece. 20/00
I 13.9X) 239 to