Page 652 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 652


                                                TABLE No. 10.
                    Table 'homing tke total valne of principal article'exported from the Port of Bunder Abba'
                                       during the yean 1896, 1897, and 1898.

                                              IBM.           1897.
                      Prfnelpd article* •»! pHnelfd
                       oo no trie* to whloh txporto*.
                                         Quantity,  Vahu.  QrwnUtj,  Vila*.  Quantity,  ▼Alia,
                                                  R               R                *
                    CorroH Piiob-good*—»
                       Turkey •   •       26bdls.   6,660  32 pkga.  4.320  39 pkgs,   15,600
                       Maskat •   •       50 *    12.000  25  „   7,500  22 „      8.800
                       Bahrein ,   •                     26  .    2,250  24 h      9,600
                       Arab Coast   .    lOObdla.  26.000  38 *   11.400  86 „    14.000
                       Persian Port* .                   25       7.600  34 „     13,600
                    COTTOH (lAW)—
                       India •   •      8,525 c*t*>   1,44925  6,623} ewti.   62.0^2  1,705 cwt£  28,860
                       llaskat .   •      75 „     1,275  70 .     810   80 „      1,120
                       Bahrein •   •                     30 „      3C0   20 „       280
                       Arab Coast   •    lOOewt*.  1,700  60 „     COO   40         660
                       India .   •      74.000 cwla.  2.96000  60,000 cwt*.   2, <0.000 50.000 cwta.  2,25,000
                      Arab Coast •      11.0J0 *   33.000  12000 „   43.000  13.000  „  63,500
                       Persian Ports •  6,000 „   15.000  8,000 „  32.000  6,000 „  27,000
                    DbUGS A2TD MbDICWES —
                       India •   .   •            • N   2.904 cwts.   26.G76  S.O'X) otrts.   36,000
                       Turkey •   .   .                  150 „    1.350  ISO „     2.160
                       Moskat .                          loO „     900   135 „     L620
                       Bahrein .   •   .                 100 „     90*3  125       1.600
                       Arab Coast   •   •                160 „    1,350  165 „     1.980
                     Other sorts of Drugs, etc.
                       United Kingdom .   1,500 cwta.   35,000  700 ctvU.   18 000   634 cwt*.
                       India .   a   »  6,363 „  1,16,135  7,972 „   1,53 570  16.1 -iO „   3.32.000
                       Turkey •          900 „    3,160  3.000 „   10.050  2.250 „   10,120
                       Maskat .          800 „    2,800  659 „    1,950  400 „     1,800
                       Bahrein.   .   .           • —   200 H      700   150 „
                       Arab Coast   •   •  400 cwts.  1,400  300 „  1,050  252 ,.  1,130
                    Dtbiko akd Colocbiko Mate*
                       India ,                          1,283 cwts.     1,290 .jwtru
                       Turkey ....                     4,0*) „   14.132           14 910
                     I Mask at .   .                     300 »   16,000  4,484 *   17,940
                       Bahrein .   .   .   .            600 „     l,2t-0  400 „    1,600
                       Arab Coast  .   .                 400 „    1,6U0  800 „     3.200
                                                                        450 „
                    Fburb ahd Yrorrable*—
                       India ,   .   ,  12,325 c¥ls.  1,47,900
                       Turkey .           200 „    2 400  16,290 cirta.   1,95,480 13,938 osrta.   2,09,070
                       Maskat .           400 „          300 „    3,600  160 „     2,250
                       Bahrein .                   4,800  680 .,   6,960  400 ,.  6.00U
                                                         150 „
                       Arab Coast .   .   200 cirta.  2,400  200 „  2,400  100  „  1,500
                                                                        100  „
                      Sait ins and Currants—
                       India .   .   .  34,000 cwta.
                       Turkey .           200 „  1.87.000 24,737 cwta.   1,48,425  18,738 cwta. 1,49,910
                       Mnskat .   .   .   600 „    1.100  260 „   1,500  200 „     1,600
                       Bahrein .   ,   *   • ••    2,760  400 „   2,400  300 f.   2,400
                       Arab Coast  .              He     160  „    900  100 „       8UO
                                          300 cwts.  1,650  200  ,,  1,200  160 |f  l,2UO
                      ^J?r      Fruits and
                       India .
                       Turkey ,          4,194 ewt*.  1,43,901  10,489 cwta.  1,94.683  7,094 arts.   1,63,200
                       Ma-kat .          JS00 ••   2,800  6i»0    3,900  400       4.800
                                          200 „
                       Bahrein .                   Ux)  810 l     2840  460 „     6,40*
                       Arab Coast                       150 „     1,260  90 ,.    1,080
                                          800 cwta.  2,100  400 „  3,400  160 „   1,800
   647   648   649   650   651   652   653   654   655   656   657