Page 696 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 696
TABLE No. 28.
Table shoving the total value of principal articles exported from and imported into the City 0f ti-
during the years 1896,1897, and 1898, *,r<<
1890. 1897. !»«.
prladiwl BiiUlM.
QotnUty. Taint. QitnUtj. VfclQ*. Quota/.
It a
Hortcs and Males 243 head 62,430 57 head 18,200 61 head
Cotton (rsw) . . 6,000 bales 1,33,330 6,000 plcgs. 1,64,280 3,760 bales 13.0*
Drags and Medicines . •N 2*250 pkgs. 4S.21D
Fruits ond Vegetable—
Almonds • 8,000 cwts. 2,00,000 16.000 owts. 3,42.857 15,600 owts.
Other torts . 2,000 „ ' 16,000 ASOO 16,000 23.400 „
Gold and Gold Coin . 120 lbs. 1,10,000 60 lbs. <5,000 8.C2«o
Gam ... COO 10.000 2,300 cwta. £3,714 16,000 cuts.
Biles and Glam 40.0 0 fios*' 20.G70 70.000 Ncs. 40,030 2.1',m Nos.
Opium • . • 3,200 chests £9,66,GW 3,500 ch«ts £0,00,000 3,770 chela. j • SW10
400 ca.-u }
1 2,500 caccs
Bouo-watcr • { 3.000 earbojs 13,310 C 1,000 carboys ) 67.S57 C 4,700 carboys 7 3s;»
<.1,200 cases }
Seeds . • 2.000 owts. 2C.GC0 6,000 cuts. 50,000 3,500 cuts. ; 25.919
Silk, manufactures cf S3 bdlcs. si.ow 150 talcs C4,£S6 270 bales 77,IV)
Tobacco . 25,000 bags 3.73,'CO 20,000 b 'gs. 4,71,1-3 C7.G30 lags 4,72*59
Woollen goods (carpet) 2,500 pkgs. 8,33,c:o 4,000 pigs. 13.71,429 2,905 pkgs. ! 8.471V)
Other articles . 6U.0C0 1,50,000 ••• ! 1,53,(08
Total 4S,9S,0?0 68,16,057 72U7dS
TAULE No. 27.
lable slcieizg the total value of principal articles exported from ar.d imported in to the City of Siira
during the years 1696,1597, and 1S05,
1898. 1S9T. IK*.
Prior.; *1 vtfclM.
QoidU:/. Valet. Quotlt/. Ttlot. Qaintll/.
ft ft
Arms and Ammunition—
Gum . • , 60 cases 25,001
Cartridges . • 420 cases 2.26.2S6 400 cases
Candle . • . 3.000 cases 27.500 no „ 12.671 600 „
Coffee . . • 250 cwta. 3,600 „ 25.000 4,900 *
Cotton goods . . 35.000 bales 8,330 500 cwts. 16.714 700 cwts.
Thread and Twists . 120 „ 68,33,340 42,000 bales 69,70.205 38.600 bales
Drugs and Medicines 60 cates 16,000 250 „ 32.143 620 „
Glass and Glassware . 100 ., lO.OGO 650 eases 47.143 2,100 cases
Gold Embroidered Clotb 16 pkgs. 10,000 350 „ 35.000 150 „
Gold Lace and Thread 40 cases 10,000 45 25.714 60 „
Hardware and Cutlery 200 „ 13.330 20 „ 10,080 42 „
Indigo . . . 460 „ 20,000 750 „ 63.671 4(0 „
Liquors, Wines and Spirits 1.50.000 340 „ 84,800 770 *
Metals— 600 „ 40.000 680 „ 43.143 1,676 .
Copper 6.000 cwts.
Iron ... 1.000 „ 2.50.000 6,000 cwts. 3.00. 000 3,400 owts.
Tin • . 12.000 4,000 „ 48.714 3.000 *
Brass . . 350 „ 23,349 310 * 12,485 600 tt
Oil (Kerosine) . ,200 " 10.000 440 „ 26,972 300 „
Porcelain and Chinawart 6.000 cases 46,670 4,600 cases 38.671 8.000 caaes
600 „
Silk, manufactures of 36.000 420 „ 24.000 350
Spices • 30 pkgs. 16.000 35 bales 10.000 100 bale*
6,100 cwts.
So gar, loaf . 18.000 „ 1.70.000 6,5CO cwts. 2,22,867 7.600 cwts.
crashed 3.00. 000 9,000 cases 2.05,714 12.000 cases
If 12,00'J bags
Ten 2.00. 000 13,500 pgks. 2,30,000 14.000 baga
Woollen goods • 9.000 chests 6.10.000 12,000 cases 6,17,143 13.600 cases
Other articles • 75 pkgs. 37.500 150 pkge. 85.714 210 pkg«-
1.40,000 1,400 „ 1.00. 000 • ••
79,14,010 85,12,600 •••