Page 132 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 132
to the Spences to drink cocktails, rather dull though as all were occupied by their letters. Went a drive after
tea & to the Christmas dinner party in the evening. Not very exciting. Quite a good dinner & then
progressive games of a dull description. Missionaries were asked after dinner & were rather frigid in
consequence, especially as they had to sit waiting some time in the drawing room. We were given the places
of honour at the table but Mrs Spence pushed in first going into dinner. It has become quite a serious matter.
Mrs Barrett got very cross with Cyril! She is really quite one of the silliest females I've ever met. Pickering
a trifle lively. I enjoyed the party though very much. Got quite a good mail and a lot of presents from local
people - fruit scent and cakes & sweets.
Sunday 26th 1926 [December]
Didnt go down to the office till after breakfast. Took cases all the morning. Parke came in to see me &
stayed some time. In the afternoon he motored out with us to Sakhrir where I wanted to see the repairs that
are being done. We took tea & had it on the way back, boiled the kettle on a brushwood fire. Got rather late
& so had to drive back in the dark. Then went into the fort for a while. It looks awful, they have made
absolutely no efforts to make it look nice. Robinson was there & seemed rather sulky. A few more gifts
arrived, we have now three awful iced cakes, from Karachi, tinned, which have green leaves & pink feathers
as ornaments of which the die comes off on the white icing - also quantities of oranges. The Shaikh goes out