Page 144 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 144



        Monday 10th [January]

        No Court but a busy morning going over accounts & letters.  The car is being painted in parts so out of use.  Ghaus came
        round in the afternoon & later we went to tennis at the mission.  Quite good tennis, then tea at the Hakkens where the baby
        was exhibited.  The child is painfully ugly - one really cannot pretend to admire it.  Pickering came in after tea.

        Tuesday 10th Jan [11]

        Court in the morning, 17 cases.  Went to Spences in the afternoon.  As usual S talked shop to me about the bridge.  He really
        is tiresome in that way always talking shop at private entertainments.  He seemed very triumphant at Kanoo taking part in
        the question, I imagine S called on him & urged him to do so though previously they were on bad terms.  Parke came back to
        dinner & we discussed the question of the bridge.  What a place this is for rows & intrigues.

        Wednesday 11th [12 January]
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