Page 166 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 166
Court in morning & a great many cases. Went over to see Barrett in the morning to discuss my application for longer leave.
The P.R. is prepared to do everything apparently. Went a drive in afternoon & then to tea & Bridge at the Spences. Barrett
started talking shop to me as we were going & did so for three quarters of an hour, Spence very annoyed - but I couldn't help
it. Its awful the way people talk shop at each others parties - in my opinion its not done.
Wednesday 23rd [February]
No Court. Worked at letters & some reports for Barrett. Shaikh Abdulla came to call & stayed overlong. Still he was very
interesting & talked with much sense & humour about the Quadi, who he dislikes, also about Persians who he loathes as they
are very arrogant and claim that Bahrain should belong to Persia. Went out in car & had tea at Parkes, then doped dogs &
went out to Bilad al Qua Dim. Mohd Khalil went out to the Shaikh with news of PR's arrival at 10 tomorrow. As usual Barrett
wrote at last moment asking to borrow Shaikhs launch - I wish he would arrange his own launches etc.
Thursday 24th [February]