Page 174 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 174



        speaking no language except English.  The Col took much interest in everything.  Finally drove back & got home at 2 pm, as
        the Col says the Barretts have absolutely no idea of method time or organisation.

        Afterwards had tea at Agency - much muddle & confusion.  The Shaikh called.  Finally Barrett & the Col came out to Idari to
        see the spring & later we motored them down to the customs.  de G very sulky.

        Sunday [6 March]

        Ticked off my clerk, who behaves like a small silly boy, & reduced him to tears, then sent for de Grenier & had a similar
        interview, told him what an ass he is, & then saw Ghaus, the big Indian Contractor who is doing all the building, & told him off
        too.  Everyone very languid owing to Ramadan.  Went to church to see the Hakken child christened, an awful sermon lasting
        half an hour by Pennings.  Parke came in afterwards.  The lovely little silugi which the Shaikh gave me suddenly became
        violently ill & died.  Very disappointing indeed, I did so like it & it was a real beauty.  Dinner at the Spences.  The Capt &
        Appleton were there.  The Captain & Pickering both decidedly tight.  Played vingt et un - very bored & late getting home.
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