Page 197 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 197
The Sayed called in the morning. A very interesting fellow but violently against bin Saoud who he says is a tyrant & forces his
form of religion on people with the sword. Went down the bazaar. M bought some very pretty dress material at 1/- a yard,
to 1/6 so can make a dress for 5/-. Then to see Holmes. He talked much to no purpose. After lunch went up to the Fort &
then looked on at a sort of War dance done by all the "naturs" the sort of civil police, & a crowd of armed Arabs. Really a fine
show. Parke came back to tea with us.
Saturday 9th [April]
Court in the morning. The boat came in but too late for letters. The Adeni man called again in the morning & when I told
him, politely, that we had many schools of our own to support & could not give money to schools in Aden, he began to beg
for himself. I dislike these cadgers. They all expect the Shaikh to supply them with funds. I gave him nothing & he departed
indignant and annoyed. Motored up to the Palace in the afternoon & then down to the Customs to see de Grenier, also
Armstrong, the former going to Kuwait for Arabic exam & the latter going to bore a well & then home. Played tennis with the
Spences in the afternoon. Beat S in a single, then they came in to Bridge with us. Very black & strong sky & some thunder in
the evening.