Page 86 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 86
have Indian Army instead. Sat & talked to Horner all the afternoon & told him particulars of all that had happened. He
seemed very sensible about it all. A small mail. Went out in the car after tea. Horner played tennis with the Navy.
Sunday 15th August
M stayed in bed. She ought to have done so ages ago, but doesnt like it - I on the other hand would quite enjoy a day in
bed every month. Spent all the morning with Stewart Horner at the Levy Corps. Paid out the men. Really they are not
such a bad looking crowd, I believe only three or four of them were affected but Daly wants them to go bag & baggage,
yet I'm sure that wont be sanctioned. Arrested another of the men who I really believe knew all about it, but though we
used methods of a mild Spanish Inquisition we could get nothing out of him. I felt sorry for the boy. No court as H
says it is illegal on Sunday. Slept in afternoon. Spence & Pickering came to dinner. Had some very good games
indeed. Spence was a little tiresome about talking shop. It seems that Stewart Horner also knows young D'outel (Lily's
step son!) in Calcutta, & Horner knew the old pig himself too. Horner is a tiresome young man with vast conceit &
very narrow sloping shoulders. He tries to run down Daly & me. Daly cant stand him. He assumes great knowledge
of law & of most other things too. The Navy cant bear him & cable behind his back to Bushire saying he is an
obstructionist. Its all most amusing!
Monday 16th [August]