Page 95 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 95
quite earlyish. Motored the two Cyclamen men back to the Customs Quay. Mail arrived, post not issued as it was
Tuesday [7 September]
Very late for breakfast & lunch as I called on the Sheikh on the way back after early office & he talked for ages. He is
now not a bit shy of saying what he thinks to me about things. An old merchant called Yusef Kanoo (Sir)! with
dozens of letters after his name, has returned, a most mischievous old rascal, who started as Prideaux's stable boy
& rose to be the leading merchant, & the Sheikh is really afraid of him as he always tries to be a sort of go between
& actually stirs up endless trouble between everyone. Slept in afternoon & then went to tennis at Spences &
afterwards played bridge with Col P. S & Pickering.
The Captain of the Cyclamen came to dinner & I motored him back afterwards. He's a nice fellow but not very clever,
enormously impressed by my having written a book.
Wednesday [8 September]
The Sheikh came down to the office in the morning. Very amiable, said that he used to spend about Rs 20,000 a
month, once Rs 30,000 & now, with me managing his accounts he spends about Rs 8,000. One rupee is 1/6. They
have lately standardised it. The Sheikhs boys who are at school at Basra have obviously been getting at him &
trying not to be sent back to school, & he very feebly began making excuses for why they should not go back there,
perfectly idiotic, I shall try hard & prevent them getting their way. Its obviously far better to educate them.
Busy morning. Went up to the site of new well near the Bank. Then M came down in the car & we went off to the
Cyclamen for lunch with the Captain; also present the Doctor. A very good lunch & altogether very pleasant. The
island looks quite pretty from the sea.
After tea we motored the Captain & the Dr out to see the tombs at Ali. They really are very wonderful & no one has
definitely placed their age. Came back after dark. Daly & the others went to dinner at the Mission, we had dinner
alone. Very nice cool day & really quite chilly in evening.
Thursday 9th Sept